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Charles Gould |
University of Würzburg |
Germany |
Mohammad Hafezi |
University of Maryland |
Haoyu Hu |
Spain |
Tobias Kampfrath |
Fritz Haber Institute |
Germany |
Nick Kioussis |
California State University |
Jelena Klinovaja |
University of Basel |
Switzerland |
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Lia Krusin-Elbaum |
The City College of New York - CUNY |
Daniel Lanzillotti Kimura |
C2N/CNRS/ Université Paris-Saclay |
France |
Nicolas Reyren |
CNRS/Thales |
France |
Anton Akhmerov (TU Delft, The Netherlands)
What it takes to make a Majorana quantum computer
Vincent Cros (CNRS-Thales, France)
Physics of topological magnetic skyrmions and potential skyrmion-based applications
Ewold Verhagen (AMOLF, The Netherlands)
Synthetic magnets, spins, and dimensions:
Topological phases in nanophotonics and nanophononics
Carlo Beenakker (Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands)
Deconfinement of Majorana vortex modes in a topological superconductor
Claudia Felser (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany)
Chirality and Topology
Ramamoorthy Ramesh (Vice President for Research at Rice University, USA)
A New Era in Ferroelectrics
INVITED - Plenary |
Charles Gould (University of Würzburg, Germany)
Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling of a Topological Ferromagnet
Mohammad Hafezi (University of Maryland, USA)
Topological interplay between photons and electrons
Haoyu Hu (DIPC, Spain)
Local-moment fluctuations and Kondo physics
in twisted bilayer graphene
Tobias Kampfrath (Fritz Haber Institute, Germany)
Terahertz spin and charge photocurrents in topological spintronic structures
Nick Kioussis (California State University, USA)
Bismuth antiphase domain wall: A three-dimensional manifestation of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
Jelena Klinovaja (University of Basel, Switzerland)
Superconducting diode effect due to magnetochiral anisotropy in topological insulator and Rashba nanowires
Lia Krusin-Elbaum (The City College of New York - CUNY, USA)
Chiral conduction channels in van der Waals topological magnets
Daniel Lanzillotti Kimura (C2N/CNRS/ Université Paris-Saclay, France)
Topological interface mode by simultaneous optical and nanophononic band inversion
Nicolas Reyren (CNRS/Thales, France)
Non-collinear three-dimensional textures in magnetic multilayers:
Hatching of skyrmionic cocoons