Tuesday & Wednesday (32) - Alphabetical order |
Poster nº
Author & Title
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Genaro Bierhance (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Germany)
Terahertz dynamic signatures of spin accumulation and spin-to-charge conversion at topological insulator–ferromagnet interfaces
5 |
Pintu Das (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India)
Electronic fluctuations in the skyrmion phase of room temperature skyrmionic systems
1 |
Daniele Di Miceli (IFISC, Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems, Spain)
Majorana Modes Break Voltage Gauge Invariance in NSN Junctions
of Magnetic Topological Insulators
27 |
Dimitre Dimitrov (Institute of Optical Materials and Technologies, Bulgaria)
Synthesis and Characterization of V-doped WTe2 Nanolayers
0 |
dssdq dsq (sdq, Afghanistan)
24 |
Ewan Forbes (University of Leeds, UK)
Discrete chiral jumping in a 1D XY spin chain with chiral spin interactions
25 |
György Frank (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
Birth Quota of Non-Generic Degeneracy Points
13 |
Carmen Gomez Carbonell (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Spain)
Study of MnBi2Te4 growth on BaF2 and Sapphire
8 |
Daniel Hauck (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
2π domain walls for tunable Majorana devices
10 |
Richard Hess (University of Basel, Switzerland)
Trivial Andreev band mimicking topological bulk gap reopening in the nonlocal conductance of long Rashba nanowires
14 |
Wolfgang Himmler (Universität Regensburg, Germany)
Supercurrent interference in HgTe-wire Josephson junctions
21 |
Marius-Adrian Husanu (National Institute for Material Physics, Romania)
Bulk and surface – related nature of Ge(111) spin-orbit split bands
Late 1 |
Ioannis Ioannidis (Hamburg University / Institute for Theoretical Physics, Germany)
Control of Majorana zero modes hybridization via a single magnetic adatom
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Jae Ho Jeon (Sejong University, South Korea)
Topological Hall effect in heterostructures of ferromagnetic material/non-coplanar antiferromagnetic material
31 |
Monika Devi Koijam (IEMN UMR CNRS 8520, France)
Evolution of Edge Modes in Photonic Topological Insulators
15 |
Akylas Lintzeris (INN, NCSR "Demokritos", Greece)
Epitaxial 2D ferromagnet CrxTey/Bi2Te3 topological insulator heterostructures
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Gertjan Lippertz (University of Cologne, Germany)
Current-induced breakdown of the quantum anomalous Hall effect
28 |
Vera Marinova (Institute of Optical Materials and Technologies, Bulgaria)
Growth of V - doped WTe2 Single Crystals by Self-flux Method
16 |
Dunkan Martínez Camacho (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Searching for Majorana zero modes using persistent currents.
9 |
Moein Najafi Ivaki (Tampere University, Finland)
Quantum Hall effect and Landau levels without spatial long-range correlations
29 |
Roselle Ngaloy (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Proximity enhanced room temperature ferromagnetism in Fe5GeTe2/PtSe2 van der Waals heterostructure
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Dana Popescu (National Institute of Materials Phyics, Romania)
Bulk band splitting due to spin-orbit interaction in ferroelectric oxides
17 |
Lars Sjöström (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Room Temperature Nonlocal Detection of Charge-Spin Interconversion in a Topological Insulator
18 |
Adrian Sulich (Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
Can a SnTe/CdTe(001) heterostructure be a promising material to open an energy gap in its topological surface states?
26 |
Josef Svetlik (ICN2, Spain)
Resolving spin currents and spin densities generated by charge-spin interconversion in systems with reduced crystal symmetry
22 |
Juan Torres (TU Delft, The Netherlands)
Design of a Majorana trijunction
3 |
Anjana Uday (University of Cologne, Germany)
Inducing superconducting correlations in the quantum anomalous Hall insulator
23 |
Florinda Viñas Boström (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
Electron transport through a Majorana wire subject to quasiparticle poisoning
19 |
Jimin Wang (Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik Universität Regensburg, Germany)
Two-Dimensional-Dirac Surface States and Bulk Gap Probed via Quantum Capacitance in a Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator
20 |
Michael Wissmann (SPINTEC/CEA, France)
Spin-charge interconversion in Topological insulator Sb2Te3
4 |
Michael Wissmann (SPINTEC/CEA, France)
Magneto-transport properties of nanoflakes of the ferromagnetic topological insulator MnSb2Te4
11 |
Johanna Zijderveld (TU Delft, The Netherlands)
Phenomena of Majorana Wavefunctions in arbitrarily shaped Topological Superconductors.
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