Ramon Aguado
Tutorial Talk
I am a physicist with more than 15 years of research experience. My research focuses on quantum effects in electronic transport through nanostructures (quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, nanowires, etc). During the last few years my activity has focused on hybrid superconductor-semiconductor systems where interesting physical effects such as Kondo, BCS superconducting pairing or magnetic states compete. This fundamental interest, together with the possibility of obtaining Majorana fermions in topological superconductors based on such systems, makes hybrids one of the more exciting topics in modern condensed matter physics.
Frédéric Bonell
Spintec, France
Workshop Talk
Frédéric Bonell is a research scientist at CNRS in SPINTEC, Grenoble. He received his PhD degree in physics from the Institut Jean Lamour (IJL) - University of Lorraine (France) in 2009. From 2010 to 2019, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Osaka University, then a Ramón y Cajal scientist at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) in Barcelona. His research activities lie at the interface between material science and spintronics. They are dedicated to the study of magnetism and spin transport/dynamics in magnetic multilayers grown by molecular beam epitaxy. His recent interests concern spin-orbitronics with epitaxial van der Waals materials, including topological insulators and 2D magnets.
Olivier Boulle
CEA, France
Workshop Talk
O. Boulle holds a Phd in Material science from the University Paris VI. He did his phd at the Unité mixte de physique CNRS/Thales under the supervision of A. Fert. Since 2010, he is CNRS permanent researcher in Spintec, Grenoble (France). He has over 20 years of experience in spintronics fundamental science and devices. His research interests include the manipulation of nanomagnets and topological spin textures via spin polarized current and its application to memory and logic spintronics devices. He co-authored more than 62 publications in peer-reviewed journals.
Deung-Jang Choi
Workshop Talk
Deung-Jang, Choi is an Ikerbasque Associate at Centro de Física de Materiales (CSIC-UPV/EHU). Her research line focuses on harnessing the potential of surface-supported spins for quantum technologies. Her work is dedicated to advancing the manipulation and control of individual spins on surfaces. Her expertise spans precision engineering of superconductor-supported magnetic systems, and the cutting-edge application of time-dependent modes in scanning tunneling microscopy
Athanasios Dimoulas
NCSRD, Greece
Tutorial Talk
Dr. Athanasios Dimoulas is Research Director at NCSR-DEMOKRITOS in Athens. After receiving his PhD for the U. Crete/FORTH he served as post doc at the U. Groningen, CALTECH and U. Maryland College Park before joining NCSR DEMOKRITOS. He is founder and head of Epitaxy and Surface Science Lab (ESSL) of the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology since 1999. He and his team has contributed to scientific excellence receiving an ERC advanced grant as well as Marie Curie and FET grants. Dr. Dimoulas has also received a Chair of Excellence appointment at CEA and the U. Grenoble Alpes for the development of MBE growth of 2D Materials. He is currently leading the Graphene flagship initiative project 2D-ENGINE. He has also been selected to act as director of the project ARSYF of the Romanian Recovery and Resilience Plan for the development of Neuromorphic technologies. His interests include MBE growth of 2D topological materials and ferroelectric Hafnia-based oxide memristor electronic synapses for use in edge AI applications
Joseph Dufouleur
IFW Dresden, Germany
Workshop Talk
Dmitri Efetov
LMU, Germany
Workshop Talk
Prof. Dr. Dmitri K. Efetov (M) received a Diploma (M.Sc.) in Physics from ETH Zurich (CH) in 2007. Subsequently Dmitri earned a M.A., M. Ph. and Ph.D. in Physics from Columbia University (USA) in 2014, under the supervision of one of the pioneers of graphene Prof. Dr. Philip Kim, with a thesis titled “Towards inducing superconductivity into graphene”. Dmitri then worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, USA) in the group of Prof. Dr. Dirk Englund, developing ultra-fast microwave thermometry and single photon detectors based on graphene. Since 2017 Dmitri was an Assistant Professor and Group Leader at ICFO (SP), and since 2021 is a Full Professor (W3) and Chair of Solid State Physics at LMU Munich (GER), with a research program that concentrates on the investigation of novel “moiré materials” at the intersection of condensed matter physics, optics and quantum science. Prof. Efetov received the Charles H. Towns Award for his outstanding research achievements during his PhD, the Obra Social ”laCaixa” Junior Leader Fellowship, an ERC Starting Grant, was a finalist of the LaVanguardia Science Prize, for his ground-breaking discovery of new states in “magic” angle graphene and received the IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize in Semiconductor Physics, for ground-breaking fundamental investigations of novel insulating, superconducting and topological phases in graphene based systems and their applications. He is the leader of the 2D-SIPC project in the EUs Quantum Technology Flagship, as well as a member of its Science and Engineering board. He also is a Core-Member of the Munich Center of Quantum Science and Technology and Head of the Quantum Technology Park Cleanroom of the Munich Quantum Valley.
Claudia Felser
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany
Plenary Talk
Studied chemistry and physics at the University of Cologne, diploma in solid state chemistry (1989), doctorate in physical chemistry (1994). Postdoctoral fellowships at the Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart (Germany) and the CNRS in Nantes (France), assistant professor (C1) at the University of Mainz in 1996; full professor there in 2003 (C4). Scientific Member and Director at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden.
Maia García Vergniory
Max Planck for Chemical Physics of Solids - DIPC, Germany/Spain
Tutorial Talk
Adolfo G. Grushin
Institut Néel / CNRS, France
Workshop Talk
Adolfo G. Grushin is a CNRS permanent researcher at the Néel Institute in Grenoble. His research focuses on theoretical topological matter, notably using tools from high-energy physics to understand topological phases. His current work develops the theory of non-crystalline topological materials, including amorphous solids and quasicrystals. He received his Ph.D. from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 2013, after which he joined the Max Planck institue of the physics of complex systems in Dresden. Later he moved as a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow to the Physics Department at Berkeley. In 2023 he was awarded the European Physical society Early Career Awards.
Sophie Gueron
Université Paris Saclay - LPS, France
Workshop Talk
My research focuses on quantum coherent phenomena in mesoscopic conductors. Most recently, this includes exploring the superconducting proximity effect in graphene-based 2D materials, higher-order topological insulators, as well as detecting orbital magnetism in isolated 2D samples to probe singularities in their band structure or the geometrical properties of their wavefunction. This research is conducted in collaboration with the members of the Mesoscopic Physics group in Laboratoire de Physique des Solides in Orsay, Université Paris Saclay, France.
Mohammad Hafezi
University of Maryland, USA
Invited – Plenary Session
Mohammad Hafezi is the Minta Martin Professor at the University of Maryland with joint appointments in the Physics and Electrical and Computer Engineering Departments. He is also a fellow of both the Joint Quantum Institute and the Quantum Technology Center. He earned his undergraduate degree from École Polytechnique (Palaiseau), and his Ph.D. from Harvard University (2009). His research interests encompass quantum optics, topological physics, condensed matter, and quantum information sciences.
Tomas Jungwirth
Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Tutorial Talk
Head of the Department of Spintronics and Nanoelectronics, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and Professor at the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. Research highlights include contributions to the discovery of intrinsic (Berry phase) anomalous Hall effect in ferromagnets, spin Hall effect in non-magnets, electrical switching and detection of antiferromagnets, and of unconventional even-parity wave magnetism (altermagnetism) and odd-parity wave magnetism.
Leo Kouwenhoven
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Keynote – Plenary Session
Leo Kouwenhoven (1963) is a professor in Applied Physics specialized in the field of Quantum NanoScience. Kouwenhoven got his PhD in Mesoscopic Physics from TUDelft (1992). He was a postdoc researcher at the University of California at Berkeley (1993 and 1994) and a visiting professor at Harvard (2000/2001). Highlights in Kouwenhoven’s career include the discovery of conductance quantization in quantum point contacts (1988), Coulomb blockade in quantum dots (1991), artificial atoms (1996), the Kondo effect in quantum dots (1998), Spin qubits (2005), induced superconductivity in nanowires and nanotubes (2005,2006), spin-orbit qubits in nanowires and nanotubes (2010, 2013) and Majoranas in nanowires (2012). The current focus is on topological effects in solid state devices such as the emergence of Majoranas and topological qubits.
Peter Lodahl
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Invited – Plenary Session
Peter Lodahl (PL) is professor in quantum physics and technology at the Niels Bohr Institute. He is the Director of the Danish National Research Foundation Center of Excellence Hybrid Quantum Networks (Hy-Q) and the Novo Nordisk Foundation center for Solid State Quantum Simulators. He is also the Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of the start-up company Sparrow Quantum that commercializes deterministic photon-emitter interfaces. PL received a PhD in quantum physics in 2000 from University of Copenhagen and subsequently held postdoc positions at Caltech and University of Twente. He was the first to demonstrate that light emission can be fully controlled by the use of intricate photonic nanostructures. This fundamental principle ultimately enables a full deterministic quantum interface between light and matter, which PL subsequently has exploited after founding his own research group in Denmark in 2005. His group develops fundamentally new quantum hardware for the emergent field of quantum-information science such as: deterministic single-photon sources, spin-photon interfaces, and photonic quantum gates. The application areas include photonic quantum computers, quantum repeaters, and quantum key distribution towards the ultimate vision of a quantum internet.
Marie-Blandine Martin
CNRS-Thales, France
Workshop Talk
Marie-Blandine Martin is a research scientist at the Laboratoire Albert Fert, a joint unit between CNRS and the French multinational company Thales. She received her PhD in Physics from the Université Paris Saclay in 2015 and did a 2-year post-doc at the University of Cambridge on the growth of 2D materials by CVD. Her research focuses on new architectures for spintronics, from 2D materials-based devices for emerging memories to skyrmion-based devices for neuromorphics applications
Yulia Maximenko
Colorado State Universtity, USA
Invited – Plenary Session
Yulia Maximenko focuses on experimental 2D quantum materials research, epitaxial thin film growth, device nanofabrication, and low-temperature scanning probe microscopy. Currently, Dr. Maximenko is an assistant professor at Colorado State University in the Department of Physics. She received a Ph.D. in physics at the University of IL at Urbana-Champaign and held a postdoctoral appointment at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), MD. During her graduate studies, she worked on scanning tunneling microscopy and thin film growth in the group of Prof. Vidya Madhavan, while during her postdoctoral appointment, she focused on ultralow-temperature scanning probe studies of twisted graphene devices in the group of Dr. Joseph Stroscio
Nicola Poccia
IFW Dresden & University of Naples Federico II, Germany/Italy
Workshop Talk
Nicola Poccia is Professor at the Department of Physics of the University of Naples Federico II and at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW-Dresden). He received his "Laurea" in physics and received his Ph.D. in Physics and Material Science at the University of Rome "Sapienza" . He was Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Twente and at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, then joined as postdoctoral fellow the Department of Physics at Harvard University. He contributes as Editorial Board in the Communication Materials npg, Materials Today Physics journals, and is founder of the Network of Italian Scientists in Germany (SIGN), promoting the exchange of students and scientists in quantum information and technologies between Italy and Germany. His group recently received funding for his research from the ERC(Consolidator 2023), DFG and Terra Quantum AG.
Nitin Samarth
Penn State University , USA
Workshop Talk
Nitin Samarth is Verne M. Willaman Professor of Physics and Professor of Materials Science & Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University, where he also serves as Associate Director of the 2D Crystal Consortium, an NSF-funded Materials Innovation Platform user facility. He received his undergraduate degree in physics from IIT Bombay and earned his Ph.D. in physics at Purdue University. He is a Fellow of the APS and AAAS. His research interests center on the synthesis, physics, and applications of epitaxially engineered quantum materials at the interface between topology, magnetism, and superconductivity.
Jairo Sinova
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
Workshop Talk
Sinova is an Alexander von Humboldt Professor of Physics at Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz and director of the Spin Phenomenal Interdisciplinary Center (SPICE). He has received the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship Award, the Johannes Gutenberg Research Fellowship, the ERC Advance Synergy Grant, National Science Foundation’s Career Award, the Cottrell Scholar Award, and is a Fellow of the American Physical Society. Research highlights include the discovery of intrinsic spin Hall effect and development of a complete theory of anomalous Hall transport, prediction of the Néel spin-orbit torque for the electrical manipulation of antiferromagnets, and the discovery of altermagnetism (even-parity wave collinear magnetism), and unconventional odd-parity wave magnetism.
Amir Yacoby
Harvard University, USA
Keynote – Plenary Session
Amir Yacoby is a Professor of Physics at Harvard University. He is also a Professor of Applied Physics at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University and a visiting Professor at the University of Waterloo. He currently holds the Lazaridis Chair in Physics.